Import & Logistics Management Software

Import & Logistics Management Software
(Go-Cross border)

Is a SaaS (Software as a Service) software used to manage cross-border import of goods from many countries around the world such as China, Thailand, Indonesia, USA, etc.

Go-Crossborder software is suitable for:

Business owners providing cross-border import services: Businesses can use it to manage their cross-border import operations, including: Purchasing, transportation, warehousing, etc.

Business owners whose customers are online business units wishing to import goods: they may purchase Go-CrossBorder software and combine with the 3rd party providing the operating service to support the clients.

Software Price List

Import & logistics management software includes 4 main service packages and 2 support tool packages, suitable for each customer's needs and business scale.
Note: The price list does not include the cost of orders incurred in excess of the limit according to the product package.

(Support 5,000 orders/month)
  • ✅ Ordering System
  • ✅ Ordering management system
  • ✅ Complaint management system
  • ✅ Purchasing Management system
  • ✅ Warehouse management system
  • ✅ Payment management system
  • ✅ Tools for payment services
  • ✅ Automatic Recharge App
  • ✅ Support live chat settings, caresoft sync

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5 million/month
Ordering Service Package
(Support 2,000 orders/month)
  • ✅ Ordering System
  • ✅ Ordering management system
  • ✅ Complaint management system
  • ❌ Purchasing Management system
  • ❌Warehouse management system
  • ❌ Payment management system
  • ✅ Tools for payment services
  • ✅ Automatic Recharge App
  • ✅ Support live chat settings, caresoft sync

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3 million/month
Client Package
(Unlimited orders/month)
  • ✅ Ordering System
  • ✅ Ordering management system
  • ✅ Complaint management system
  • ❌ Purchasing Management system
  • ❌Warehouse management system
  • ✅ Payment management system
  • ✅ Tools for payment services
  • ✅ Automatic Recharge App
  • ✅ Support live chat settings, caresoft sync

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3 million/month
Payment Service Package
  • ✅ Ordering System
  • ✅ Ordering management system
  • ✅ Complaint management system
  • ❌ Purchasing Management system
  • ✅ Warehouse management system
  • ✅ Payment management system
  • ✅ Tools for payment services
  • ✅ Automatic Recharge App
  • ✅ Support live chat settings, caresoft sync

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7 million/month
Shipping Package
  • Use a full-featured service package anytime with your phone 

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10 million/month
Mobile App
  • Automatically attach customer users, list sales statistics for staffs and project revenue statistics speedily

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10 million/month
Sale Management System

The value of the software

Administration features are decentralized to each employee, ensuring security/authority in operation.

For Businesses

Automated, intuitive reporting
Evaluate work efficiency speedily and accurately.

Smooth connection
Automatically update the status of orders from the system of the 3rd party providing intermediary services.

Streamlining the operating apparatus
The process is designed intelligently in order to minimize operations, reduce manpower and save time.

Reduce risks
Information is updated automatically and synchronously during operation, helping to promptly handle arising errors.

Continuously updated system
New features are actively upgraded by SaboTech for free, in line with operating trends.

Track order status, finance, purchasing history, notifications from service providers.

To final customers 

Receive notifications from service providers quickly and proactively choose the types of notification to receive via zalo/email

Convenient, user-friendly
Create orders quickly and accurately with tools, friendly interface, simple operation, easy to use.

All costs of each order, financial transactions are displayed fully, accurately and clearly in real time.


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